Become an Agent

Our team works together to provide a high level of service to our clients, support each other, and yes have fun doing it. 

Working on the Nice Agents team is about much more than listing & selling houses. Our agents are dedicated to a belief that kindness and respect accelerate both our success and the success of our clients. Everyone deserves our best effort, regardless of their budget or unique buying needs, so that’s what we provide to every client.

We may not sell the most homes, and that’s OK. We don’t measure our success by our sales volume. We measure success by how happy our clients are at the end of each transaction, and we’re proud of the results we provide. 

How We Operate & What You Should Expect

We know that there’s a lot of options in this industry, and every model has it’s appeal. As an agent looking for a home for your business, it can be hard to know for sure if you’re making the right choice. Or even to know what criteria you should be using. 

Step 1 – Meet John Carle

The first step in joining the Nice Agents begins with a coffee. You’ll sit down with John, our team leader, to talk about your business, your goals, and how the 2 of you can align those to the Nice Agents systems and philosophy. It’s important to make sure you’ll be comfortable with the team, and having a good feeling about the team leader is an important first step. 

Step 2 – Team Agreement

Like everyone else, we have paperwork. We do our best to make it simple and easy to get through because we all know that paperwork sucks. Part of this process includes commission split clarity, brokerage costs, etc. so that you know exactly what you should expect. 

Step 3 – Training and Succeeding

Each member of the team has unique and differing skills, abilities, and needs. Therefore the training we do for each agent is also individual, tailored to help you achieve your goals. Your regular 1-on-1 training sessions with John are tailored around this philosophy; to help you be the best that you can be.

Our philosophy is that you need to do great transactions, not to push you to always sell more and more and more. You’ll set your sales goals, and we’ll help you achieve them. But you should never feel pressure to be a massive volume agent if that’s not what you want. They’re your goals. 

Each week we have a group huddle, where we talk about high level items, such as market trends and industry news. 

Join Our Team today!

Let’s get started on a better future for your business & your family. Emails sent using this form are sent only to John and are kept strictly confidential. 

That first cofffee is on him! 

John’s Direct Cell

(+1) 780-937-7534

Homes & Gardens Real Estate Address

3659 99 Street NW Edmonton, AB

Team Head Quarters

310 Circle Drive, St. Albert